Our Vision

Preparing for Jesus' Return

We believe that Pilgrims Hall is called by God to be a prophetic voice to the local and wider church, in line with the following vision statement and the original Memorandum & Articles of Association:

Aerial view of the back of Pilgrims Hall

We have witnessed a progression of man-made laws which have undermined the Christian faith

sunlight shining through trees

We believe God’s heart for Pilgrims Hall is for us to be a place of “green pastures” – a place where His sheep can come to feed on the bounteous goodness of His Word in safety. We desire to be both a place of teaching, challenge and equipping for the Body of Christ, and also a place where believers can come to draw aside and seek His face.

We believe that we are all facing very challenging times in the days ahead, when we have witnessed a progression of man-made laws which have undermined the Christian faith, and resulted in a continual dilution of previously accepted Christian values. In addition, political correctness, post-modern and new age thinking have increased levels of deception within the church that continue to undermine the Gospel message that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and the only way to God.

The times in which we are now living are unprecedented, and we are therefore passionate to see the Word of God in all its fullness honoured and brought to bear on the issues of the day. God’s call on us is to see Christians equipped to enable them to stand as fully devoted followers of Jesus when all around is being shaken. Biblical prophecy is unfolding before us, and people are looking for signs of hope in this world, but Jesus always taught where we were to look for hope.

In these days there is no sure foundation except the living Word of God. There is no other source that can provide the hope people are looking for, or an answer to all that is happening. Pilgrims Hall’s vision is to offer Biblical teaching and training in order to equip us to recognise the signs of the times, to know Him fully through his revealed Word, and to know the Truth that sets us free – encouraging, strengthening and equipping us to live sanctified lives when all else is being shaken.

In these days there is no sure foundation except the living Word of God

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