Bible Study: 4. Our hope

We at Pilgrims Hall believe that the only way we can be prepared and stand firm in our faith is by knowing and holding fast to the whole Word of God as revealed in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

Therefore we are pleased to be able to offer a series of short Bible Study Modules, each week led by one of the Team or Trustees, on themes which we trust will prove helpful in the days we are living in.

The first of these modules will run for four sessions on Wednesday evenings, as follows:

Theme: What does it mean to be a Prepared People?
  • What does the Bible tell us about being prepared?
    Wednesday 26th February
  • Living in covenant relationship (Knowing where our security lies)
    Wednesday 4th March
  • Living sanctified lives (Our personal walk)
    Wednesday 11th March
  • Our hope
    Wednesday 18th March

Please note, in order to facilitate discussion numbers will be restricted so please book early to ensure your place. Telephone or email the office to register your attendance.


18 Mar 2020


19:30 - 21:30


Pilgrims Hall
Pilgrims Hall, Ongar Road, Pilgrims Hatch, Brentwood, Essex, CM15 9SA


£20.00 for the four-session module

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Pilgrims Hall
01277 372206
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