Bible Study Group – Foundations Explored


Pilgrims Hall is pleased to let you know of an opportunity to join together for regular Thursday evening Bible Study meetings to explore the Scriptures together:

Bible Study Group: Foundations Explored

From Thursday 28th April, we will be offering informal studies in God’s Word, starting at Genesis chapter 1, looking at the important teachings that the LORD set down “in the beginning” as the foundations for our faith; scriptures which we often take for granted—but that we hope we may see with new eyes.

We shall be exploring such things as: how we were created to be, the gospel in Genesis, and seeing Jesus in the Hebrew Scriptures. In addition, understanding the Hebrew (Jewish) roots of our faith, and the depth of meaning in the original Hebrew words and names, opens up Scripture in an amazing way—building our faith in an unchanging, faithful and loving God and Father.

Our studies will be in the context of what the original text meant to those who wrote it down, to those who heard or read it at the time and throughout the centuries before the birth of Jesus, and therefore what it must have meant to our Lord Jesus himself. These sessions will be in depth, but suitable for beginners and more mature believers alike.


Led by: John Coulthard (Resident Team) and Suzanne Cousins (Trustee)
When: Thursday evenings from 28th April, 2022 (with breaks over holiday periods)
Time: 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm, followed by refreshments
Cost: No charge, but we ask for a donation at the beginning of each term towards costs/the work of Pilgrims Hall

For further information, please contact the office at Pilgrims Hall:

Telephone: 01277 372206

Every blessing,

The Team at Pilgrims Hall

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