Greetings to friends of Pilgrims Hall
We invite you to join us for our very popular Cream Teas on Sundays in August.
Dates: Sundays 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th August
Time: 2pm to 4.30pm
Cost: Strawberry and Savoury Cream Teas, £7.50
As we draw near to our usual summer break, we are also writing to keep you up to date with seasonal closure dates, events, and future plans at Pilgrims Hall:
Rendezvous Tea Room:
- Closed during August, re-opening Tuesday 12th September.
Retreat and Conference bookings:
- Closed from Monday 7th August, re-opening Tuesday 29th August.
Wellspring Bookshop
- Remains open throughout August; Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm.
Regular Events
- Led Quiet Day: None in August.
- Foundations Explored Bible Study: Last evening on Thursday 20th July, restarts Thursday 7th September.
Ministry Programme
Our Autumn ministry programme will feature a Seminar on Saturday 30th September led by Tim Dieppe of Christian Concern on the important topic “The Sexual Revolution – How Can Christians Respond?” This will be followed by two Saturday morning Studies looking at what the Bible teaches us about our humanness and issues of human sexuality, with discussion about how we deal with these issues as believers. Dates to be finalised – keep an eye on our website for further details.
We also plan another Saturday Bible Study seminar led by Mark Galliers (Trustee), date and topic t.b.a.
We look forward to welcoming you to Pilgrims Hall.
Every blessing,
The team at Pilgrims Hall