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Aerial view of front of Pilgrims Hall

News updates

Despite the mixed weather over the summer months, I trust you had an opportunity to take time out for physical, mental and spiritual refreshment. Read ...
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Pink flowers and text saying: "Easter – He is risen"

His Kingdom will know no end

It doesn’t seem so long ago since I last wrote to you. It was last Christmas, the occasion when Christians celebrate one of the most ...
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Christmas star and 'God With Us' text

Season’s Greetings and a message of hope

As we approach Christmas and the New Year, I want to wish you Season’s Greetings, share news of Pilgrims Hall and bring a message of ...
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Laptop and praying hands


We were pleased to greet Steve Maltz on 3rd of October who delivered a day’s seminar on the subject ‘Flockdown’ in accordance with his new ...
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What does it mean to be a Prepared People?

We were pleased that our first ever Bible Study Module was fully booked, and we just managed to finish the sessions before everything went into ...
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Group of people in discussion

The Return of Christ, the Rapture and The Great Day of the Lord

Pilgrims Hall was pleased to welcome Jacob Prasch of Moriel Ministries to lead our seminar on Saturday 7th March.​
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Big Ben and Houses of Paliament, London

Our first seminar of the year

Our first seminar of the year, led by Andrea Williams and Tim Dieppe of Christian Concern, was attended by around 35 people of all ages, ...
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What is Happening in the World?

We launched our new ministry programme on 9th November with a fully booked event looking at what is happening in the world — take a ...
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